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Free Priority Matrices coaching tool

Two decision making tools to help you spend your time wisely

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Priority Matrices

A priority matrix is all about working out where you want to spend your time and what needs to be prioritised above other things.

There are 2 types of priority matrix included here: the Eisenhower Matrix and the Action Priority Matrix.

The Eisenhower Matrix is focused on time management and putting things in a grid based on urgency and importance.
The Action Priority Matrix is more versatile and based on effort and impact.
You can even go through one matrix and then carry forward the answers into the next matrix to fine tune further.

In the Eisenhower Matrix the 4 sections are:
  • Do - Things you need to do and there is no way around it.
  • Defer - Things you need to do but you don’t need to do them right now, defer them.
  • Delegate - Things that need to get done but can be done by someone else, be it a staff member, family, friend or a paid service such as a cleaner.
  • Delete - Things you can completely take off your list.
This then leaves you able to focus on the "Do" section of your grid.
High impact and low effort
High impact and high effort
Low impact and low effort
Low impact and high effort
In the Action Priority Matrix the 4 sections are:
  • High impact and low effort - Things that are easy to do or quick to complete with the highest impact in your business/job/personal life.
  • High impact and high effort - These things have a high impact but also take considerable time, effort and action to complete.
  • Low impact and low effort - These are easy or quick but have little impact.
  • Low impact and high effort - These are low impact and are also time consuming or could be difficult to do etc.

Priority Matrices - Eisenhower


Focus only on the items in your "do" box. Make these the priority. If you still aren't sure which items to do first, you can then take that column and work it into the Action Priority Matrix on the next page.

How can you ensure you defer the items in that box? Reschedule things, add them to your diary to revisit, send an email to defer tasks etc (Do that now)

Delete/remove those things in the "delete" box.
How can you ensure the items in the delegate box don’t end up on your to-do list again? (Action this as soon as possible to get them off your plate)

Priority Matrices - Action Priority

High impact and low effort
High impact and high effort
Low impact and low effort
Low impact and high effort

Focus your attention to the highest impact and lowest effort tasks (top left - usually quick wins) and the highest impact and highest effort tasks (top right - usually major projects). Make these the priority.
Next you have tasks in the low impact but low effort box (bottom left), these are usually "fill in" tasks, things you do to tick things over (often you can automate or delegate these tasks).

Finally low impact and high effort (bottom right), really these things aren’t serving you in a business or work setting.
These should be removed or reduced as much as possible. In a personal life setting this box may include hobbies, which needn't be removed but if you spend all your time there, you won't move the needle forward.